I have had problems trying to add items to a character. I can add items to these two places only:
The script block below is from a tutorial, but the Motor6 is not added to the character unless I change the Parent to be one of the two places mentioned above.
An error message would be useful, but assuming the part you’re trying to parent to is nil…
You could try waiting for your limb in a different way:
local part : Part = character:FindFirstChild("LeftArm") -- The part you want to attach things to
while not part do
part = character:FindFirstChild("LeftArm")
Yea, I can just use the HumanoidRootPart, which is probably a better all around solution anyway since both the R6 and the R15 model will have that in common.
But the question remains, why am I the only one that can’t Parent things to any part of the character model except the Head and HumanoidRootPart?
It may be better practice to parent to Model.PrimaryPart, as that property will exist in custom rigs too…
Have you tried parenting a different class of instance to the different parts of your character, to check whether it’s just a Motor6 that’s having difficulties?
I’m not an expert on welds & constraints, so I’m not sure how best to advise you.