Add Join Date and Filter to Join Requests

As an active Robloxian, someone who had made it their job to manage and lead a Roblox group, it is currently too challenging to do basic background checks of people who want to join my group.

Currently, whenever I want to check a pending person’s account date to filter out trolls and alternate accounts, I have to open a new tab and scroll down check their join date, then accept or decline. When I have over twenty five pages of join requests (I am sure many of you have way more than that), I want to be able to view basic information within the Group Admin page.

It would also be helpful to have a line filter that could list users alphabetically, by join date, or by request date. An arrow button located next to the column title would do the trick.

I edited a screenshot to show what this change might look like:

As compared to:

I think this could be an update that would positively affect all Roblox groups and start to bring changes to the Group Admin layout that has not been changed in quite a long time.


Support! More options and more stats are the way to go. This would be a great thing to include in the groups overhaul.


Is there a groups overhaul planned? Where do I hear more about this?

Yes, there are plans for a group overhaul – pretty sure it was most recently mentioned at RDC. There is currently little information available concerning the update, so unfortunately we don’t know which problems will and won’t be solved.

For now, just keep posting feature requests for groups. Try to request less solutions to current problems in groups and moreso the problems you want to be solved, as proposing solutions is not very useful when the problem might disappear entirely due to planned changes.

I really hope Roblox takes user input before they make any big changes. My life and passion revolves around the group that I run, so I wouldn’t want anything that Roblox does suddenly to screw that up, ya’ know. But we’ll see.

They allude to the “Group Revamp” at RDC here:

(Guess who asks the question? Teehee)

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