Add more pattern options to UIGradient (circular, conical)

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to achieve the visual styling I want in a UIGradient.

Proposed API:

[GradientPattern] UIGradient.Pattern

0 : Linear
1 : LinearFill
2 : Circular
3 : Conical

Right now UIGradient only has the Linear pattern type. This pattern is constrained to the innermost edges and creates a solid color wall in the corners of the frame

LinearFill fixes this by making the gradient stretch to the farthest corners of the frame.

Circular generates a radial falloff pattern, which can be positioned using the existing Offset property.

Conical generates a radial pattern with two axes of gradiation for more sophisticated designs


I could use these for a lot UI effects. +1


We actually thought about adding a scale property / open up possibility to directly specify start/end control points in the screengui/surfacegui/billboardgui space. Any of those will unlock the LinearFill. While we currently do lack intuitive ways to edit those properties with correct visualization support.

We should be able to do this with multiple color/transparency keys support.


As a Roblox developer, I currently find a lot of places where I could use radial (circular) gradients, especially in inventory icons and buttons. Adding new gradient patterns would hugely improve the usefulness of UIGradients.


mmm, radial gradients.

At the moment, the only workaround is to upload a white radial gradient created in the image editing program of your choice, add an image label to the button, set the size to fill the entire button, set the ScaleType to Crop, and change the ImageColor3 to your liking. But this has its own problems–it doesn’t conform to the container shape, meaning if you’ve got a uniquely shaped button the gradient could overflow onto the background.

I would love to see these upgrades made to UIGradients because it would vastly simplify my workflow for things like these.

Here’s the gradient I used to get those screenshots, by the way.


Is there any update on this? I need this in a current project that I am working on.


Support for circular UIGradients is still important and something that would open up a lot of workflows - the only way to achieve them currently is by applying the patterns yourself through external tools, which defeats the purpose of being able to animate them in-game to achieve powerful effects such as this UI:

The only way to achieve this in Roblox would be to animate it externally and use a spritesheet, which becomes extremely inefficient for long animations and takes up a bunch of memory (my estimations lie at about ~80-90 MB just for the images).


Bumping this…

Adding more types of gradients, like circular and conical gradients, would be a very useful option for us as developers/UI designers. It means less work in Photoshop when all we want to do is add a different style of gradient that matches the element or game style more. I would love to see this added.


I’m double bumping this,


I’m a UI Designer, I have to use hacky solutions for similar stuff which is time consuming and often doesn’t yield convincing results. E.g. if I made the radar shadow have a transparency of 0 it would appear more blocky.

I want to use Graidnets for more than Color, I want to use them for transparency effects such as blood screen effects and such that look pretty bad if I were to layer 2 frames on top of eachother.

The only possible way to achieve these hacky solutions are CanvasFrames (Sibling Property only) and layering multiple frames on top of one another.


Bumping this, so many UI effects could be done utilizing these simple effects and I would love to have the ability to use it. PLEASE


bumping this, because we need it.


Yea it would be really helpful especially radial gradient

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This would be super cool to see, it would allow alot of interesting effects with ui, things like circular health bars would be so easy! This feels like a very possible feature to add to ui gradients!


Radial and conical gradients add so much to UI and can be used in so many creative ways such as progress bars, glow, etc. Very disappointing that we’re stuck using images or workarounds for these.
Example from some work I’m doing:

In this example, there’s two places I could have used conical and radial gradients right next to each other. I was stunned by just how much a well-placed radial gradient improves the impact of elements. Since there’s no native way to accomplish this though, I had to use an image label to do it. In another area, I had to make a radial progress bar, something that’d have been great for a conical UI gradient; instead, I was forced to cobble together a barely-functional alternative using two frames, two imagelabels, and two UI gradients, and it doesn’t look right at all screen resolutions.

Even Roblox staff have to bring up that it’s a limitation of Studio when talking about professional UI tools.

It’d really be nice if this were focused on.


I would love for this to be added, as it would expand possibilities for UI development tenfold.



How the hell does this not exist yet?? I haven’t seen any software ever other than roblox which has no circular gradient option. And this was posted in 2019? Roblox slacking


bump. this is very much a needed thing for me

Bump! I don’t know why they weren’t added along with linear in the first place.

this somehow is still not a feature despite being easy to add

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It is extremely easy to add. I did it in a different engine. You can also just look at the Wikipedia page for how this works. The only reason it could be difficult to add is because Roblox is a terribly coded engine and doesn’t allow for changes.

In any case, why are you posting passive aggressive posts on a feature request that has been made 6 years ago? How hard do you think this is to make?


Why is it no added yet bro… we need this