Add More privacy settings with the new Parental Controls Update and privacy page refresh

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to choose who is able to invite me to team create or choose which users are allowed to collaborate with me.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because a lot of developers, star creators and ugc makers, might want to add fans to their friends list, however they might only want to let their real friends join them in experiences or add them to collaboration.
(In this post I will also be reffering to “Groups” as “Communities” because of the upcoming updates that were shown at RDC24)

Roblox’s privacy settings received a new look with the Parental controls update, which I honestly really like! However, I believe there’s a few features that a lot of developers might take advantage of, such as choosing who can add users to collaborations/team create or adding specific users only, to be able to join us in-games.

Let’s talk about collaboration first.


Here’s a mockup of the settings tab in the privacy settings:

I would expect the page to be something similar to this. If you’re selecting “Custom” you would be prompted with a list where you can add up to 1000 total entities, users or communities/groups.

The prompt you receive in here, would be pretty similar to adding users to your private servers, where you have a list of groups and a list of users which can add you to team create.
The reason for this feature, is that a few developers, such as myself, will be accepting a few more “Fans” into the friends list once the friends list update will be out, and I’d like to make sure not everybody can add me to “Team Create” because you never know if somebody’s account gets hacked into, or the user just wants to create inappropriate experiences on their profile, and this would keep people away from getting their accounts falsely moderated or terminated, because of somebody in their friends list breaking the rules and inviting them to collaborate on that experience.

This would make sure that users aren’t added in team create without their consent.

Other privacy settings:

More Options

Who can join games:
I would be very happy, if I could choose whoever from my friends list is able to join me in experiences, as previously mentioned, I add people who are fans of mine, and also people I worked for on UGC Commissions.
I would like to be able to only allow people I talk with daily to join me in-games and not those that I added for commissions or stuff like that.
Similarity to the collaboration settings, there’s a “Custom” setting which would allow you to select usernames that can join you (or communities, if you’d like to invite all the members of a community to join you), as well as an option to allow all friends and members of communities/groups that the user owns.

Total Visits & Sales on group/community pages & Profile pages:
It would also be nice to have a “Total Visits & Total sales” Option for both users and groups to toggle on/off similar to how groups are able to show their total group funds if they choose to do that.
Profile Pages:

Group Pages:

These settings would allow more players, than just game developers to showcase their achievements on their profile.
With this change, I would also love to see total sales & visits from owned groups on the user’s profile, as well as visits & sales from items & experiences they’re added to, as a collaborator.


… why? This seems like a waste of time… I can’t possibly see how hiding page statistics would be remotely useful

There’s friends I know who would like to share those stats/achievements on their pages, and would add some consistency between users and groups, because if somebody has a game with over a billion visits but it’s under their group, it won’t be displayed on their profile, nor anywhere else but the game’s page. Groups with multiple experiences could also display their total visits or sales if they’re a clothing group this making it easier to identify if a group is the original maker of the clothing they’re selling.

Does this address that issue to an extent? Other than the team create stuff.

Yes, I agree, this should’ve been a thing a very long time ago and should improve privacy overall for Developers, YouTubers, and best of all Players! Only thing is, I should be able to choose people outside of my friends list (who have a setting allowing me to add them to my join list? or not, since it’s their choice to join me anyway.)

I agree! You should also be able to add certain group statistics such as visits (for groups you own) to count on your own profile. Reason I say for groups you own is because this may be abused by fake verified people, but still, I agree with pretty much everything here.

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It doesn’t necessarily address the groups issue, however I agree with the limit having to be upped a little or atleast giving us ways to collaborate with groups, without having to use one group slot! So could probably be a new group setting which allows users to add individuals as a collaborator without being part of a group, or adding ranks from certain groups as collaborators! (I believe this feature will have some sort of good security however, because I can see something like this being used for the wrong reasons)

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It’s slightly vague, but yes, I believe it meant you could give group permissions to different ranks in groups that are not your own. This makes it easier to collab with other developers. I do think you should be prompted before being added to Team Create (and, roblox group chats, if the setting is on)

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Bumping this, because we really need this feature! What if one of our friends’ accounts get beamed/stolen and the hackers/thieves on the account make a “CROSSWOODS” game on their account and add us as a creator in the team create and do something like this??

Atleast add a button that asks us if we agree to join the team create!