Add per-part 'Random Offset' property to Materials to break up repetition on duplicated part sets

Oh, that makes a lot of sense now. Thank you for telling me about this!


Itā€™s certainly a possible solution, but itā€™s not nearly worth it enough to me. Itā€™s just a fairly minor pet-peeve in the Roblox engine to me that would be great to have a simple solution for ^^

And Iā€™m not a master technical artist in UE, but I believe the gist of it is that utilising a WorldAlignedTexture node greatly increases the amount of sampling required to render a single mesh, as it has to take into account world-position, world-rotation etc. for each surface of the mesh.

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I see, I didnā€™t know that good to know it xD.

But yeah your general issue i believe would probably be fixed by some sort of material related implementation. I honestly really hope Roblox changes their mind about not having a shadergraph, its such a vital part of the engine that would have MASSIVE upsides which outweigh the downsides by a huge amount.

Considering we got Occlusion Culling that is also planned to work on mobile I really hope they reconsider this because the engine is showing its age quite quickly if you use other engines, so many features that are standard in other engines that are missing here unfortunately. But thatā€™s the cost of having a platform with such a big variety of vastly different hardware.


Makes a lot of sense; thanks for making these helpful illustrations. After considering them, I support this aspect of the feature request

I also see the whole request as being reasonably simple for the engineers to implement(though I donā€™t have the authority to say for sure)


completely fine, whoā€™ll notice those details anyway