Add player allow list to models

So for people to take a model you need to set it so it’s free to take. What I want is a button that is like in private servers how you can enter someones name and they can enter the server. I’d like the same thing with this, I enter a name and only the person that I entered can take the model. I find every-time I make a model that I need to send to someone and have no one else take. In the 2 minutes it was free some random person that was not supposed to get it got it.

Otherwise I gotta send it over skype and get there info, and it’s a pain sometimes.


Group Models!

Or you can delete the model from your inventory.
That way, it doesn’t show up in your inventory, so random people taking it are less common.
(You can get it back in your inventory by setting it free and taking it yourself, but oh well, not needed)
(While you don’t “own” it anymore, you still have full control of it, since you’re still the creator)

[quote] Group Models!

Or you can delete the model from your inventory.
That way, it doesn’t show up in your inventory, so random people taking it are less common.
(You can get it back in your inventory by setting it free and taking it yourself, but oh well, not needed)
(While you don’t “own” it anymore, you still have full control of it, since you’re still the creator) [/quote]

I’d rather have this feature than a workaround.

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