Add shortcut to summon selected objects to camera

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to bring far-away objects to my camera. This is something that I do often while building, and it is especially annoying when working on a large map. Currently, I either move my camera to the object and then drag it back to where I was, or I use the dragger handles to move the object within grabbing distance. This is tedious and could be made non-tedious with a summon shortcut. If this issue were addressed, I would be able to place distant objects quicker and easier.


Currently moving objects to the Camera is a very common action that I do very frequently. The only way to easily do this process is with some quick code in the command bar or using a plugin. The action is such a simple and effective one that I’m surprised there is no native solution currently.

Having a simple shortcut tied to this action would go a long way to speed up moving/organizing objects in a scene.

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Pressing ‘F’ doesn’t cut it for large maps. The camera zooms out two times more than it needs to. Additionally, there isn’t a way to change the NearPlaneZ value which makes it difficult to edit small objects.

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