Add shortcuts for locating erroneous scripts within the Explorer

While developing and bugtesting, speed, efficiency and ease of use are monumental for developer comfort. It would be a great quality of life upgrade if there were a few more features surrounding error logs and script path names.

At the moment, you can click on a script error or print and it will open up the targeted script for you (if the script is valid).


Feature 1: Locate Script in Explorer

While live-debugging within a studio playtest, I like to edit the code and then to re-start the script I have by disabling and enabling it again. This saves me from re-launching an entire local client test.

If this script is buried inside many instances however, it can be difficult to locate the script (assuming I can remember where it is).

I am suggesting a ‘Locate script in explorer’ option when right-clicking on the script error. This would expand into the explorer and highlight your script by making it currently selected.

Feature 2: Copy path name

While studio testing I also make use of the command bar to fix and edit things through code.

Again, if objects I am trying to reference are buried within many instances, such as within a long series of playergui frames, it is cumbersome to type it all out.

Having another QoL feature to copy instance pathnames would save time. This would also help out in general scripting.

Pasted result:


I know there’s already a plugin for Copy path name but I want this to be implemented in Roblox Studio.

This is an option, it’s just that you need to open the script into a tab first, then you can right-click the tab and click the Show in Explorer option:


I also think a Copy path name for all types of instances would be neat though.

Something I would also like to have is the ability to click on errors caused by Localscripts after the playtest has ended, as clicking on it then does nothing, only during the playtest can you click on it with it actually doing anything.

Yeah :,( I know why it doesn’t work, it would just be neat if it did.

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The reason why it can’t locate the scripts is because the path has changed of course, since the scripts were cloned from their startplace to the specific player’s client.

It would be cool if the original script directory was stored, so when the playtest session ends you can still locate the original script wherever it was cloned from.

Can’t you just search IntroHumanTutorial.LocalGame.BaseLocalAISC in the explorer? It should only show the script.

That could work, however if multiple scripts have the same name (for example I tend to call server scripts underneath a RemoteEvent ‘EventSC’) it may still be some trouble finding the right one. It would be a nice little QoL change to be able to pinpoint the exact script in an instant!