Add support for "Open In New Tab" when Preview Work is enabled

It is currently very tedious to look for developers on the Talent Hub because it does not support opening developer pages in new tabs when you right click. You can only left click to visit their page on the same tab, and when you go back you are reset to the first page of the query. It’s very annoying when sites break this functionality, please fix it.


In the “Find Creators” tab, you can middle click on the cards to open them in a new tab, but the lack of the option in the right click menu is seriously annoying.

I didn’t know about that, but it only seems to work when “preview work” is disabled. It seems right clicking also works as long as preview work is disabled, so this issue is only present when preview work is enabled. I’ll edit the title of the post to reflect that.

Considering the preview work view is much more useful, they need to enable it there as well.