Add the ability to download place versions with OpenCloud

With the recent session protection announcement, the few (but nonetheless very important) reasons we currently use a bot account will become unavailable the moment session protection ceases to be an opt-out.

With our multiple projects, we make use of development and staging places to work on different mechanics and updates for our experiences.
With this, we need to be able to provide our project managers with a way to update a place without gaining direct access to all places under a group. This is important, for example, with QA testing and release schedules. We may require automated uploads, which may not always be possible if they were manual given human circumstances. We may need multiple QA sessions under a separate place without sacrificing the security of the experience itself.
The point to whether being able to download a place’s version and make use of OpenCloud to publish it to another being useful is undeniable for us; it has been and will likely continue to be a very critical element of our workflow.

OpenCloud already provides a way to publish places. Now we just need a way to download places.

For reference, we currently make use of in the bot’s session to download the rbxl place file.


Thank you for all your feedback around the Account Session Protection feature across multiple threads, really appreciate it!

the few (but nonetheless very important) reasons we currently use a bot account will become > unavailable the moment session protection ceases to be an opt-out.

I want to reassure you that we acknowledge your workflow here and will not seek to break this. We’ll be careful on which endpoints we enable the side-effects of the “Account Session Protection” feature such that it will not break developer workflows like this without providing you with an alternative and ample heads-up time to migrate over to ensure no interruption of your workflow.

We will provide alternative solutions on Open Cloud in the future for place management including read endpoints and we’ve seen your suggestion here and will take it into account. We’re still figuring out exactly what this solution will look like, so unfortunately can’t give you a precise timeline at this moment.

This thread will stay open for comments.


What is the status on this ? Currently no option appears to be available yet with the OpenCloud API

Bumping this because would be huge help towards my mobile scripter project or at least something which publishes the current save of studio (without uploading the file)