Add the items player is wearing to starter character

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. What do you want to achieve? I am trying to add accessories to a starter character.

  2. What is the issue? I don’t know where to start

Basically what I’m trying to do is add the player’s accesories to a starter character. The starter character has no hats or anything on. I need to get the player’s items they are currently wearing and put them on their character after they become the starter character. I am yet to find any kind of thing to get player’s items like this.


If you’re creating custom characters then you can use a script which welds the accessories meshes to the head or body using a weld constraint.

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I am uncertain exactly what you are requesting. As AlmostADemon said, welding works for attaching accessories. However, it seems like you want to take the accessories someone is wearing, and attach them to a clone of themselves? Is this for a cloned player type situation?

Here is a good resource for adding accessories to players Humanoid | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

If you’re attaching accessories to a character the posts above are very good.
However, if you’re looking to attach the accessories the player is wearing on their avatar to a custom character, you’d add a script something along the lines of this:

local id = (Player user id here)
local PlayersModel = game.Players:GetCharacterAppearanceAsync(id)
PlayersModel.Parent = script.Parent
for i,v in pairs(PlayersModel:GetChildren()) do
	v.Parent = script.Parent


Are you asking about how you would get what the characters avatar is wearing on the roblox site, or for some custom hats that you want to load onto players?

This is exactly what I needed thanks so much :heart:

Local or reg script? Also where would it go?

I made a bloxikin char and the hats are massive. Is there a way to fix this?..

Excuse me, but could you tell how to make custom player id (id of certain player who joined the place) please :frowning:


just put a server script with this

	if plr.UserId == (your user id here) then
	local id = plr.UserId
	local char = plr.Character or plr.CharacterAdded:Wait()
	local PlayersModel = game.Players:GetCharacterAppearanceAsync(id)
	PlayersModel.Parent = script.Parent
	for i,v in pairs(PlayersModel:GetChildren()) do
		v.Parent = char