Add tween value to FieldOfView

I’m trying to add to the players fieldofview using a tween because just changing the field of view won’t work well because the players fieldofview is changed a lot, I already tried Udim2 and it doesn’t work:

local FadeOutTween = TweenService:Create(camera,, Enum.EasingStyle.Cubic, Enum.EasingDirection.Out), {FieldOfView = 70})```

Whats wrong? if you havent already try adding FadeOutTween:Play() on the next line of code or something ( probably just to test )

It’s working fine, changing the players FOV and all, but I need to add to the FOV value instead of changing it entirely.
FieldOfView + 2

Problem is Udim2 wont work because its a float value

The “FieldOfView” property is described by a number value, i.e; 123, 3.14 etc. not a UDim2 value.

So would i get the players current fov and add the value to that?

If you need to tween by an offset then reference the current property’s value.

{FieldOfView = Camera.FieldOfView + 2}

Oh alright, didn’t think of doing that, im used to tweening positions and stuff with udim