FOV changing depending on move speed with the camera?

I’m searching this everywhere, how to make a script that makes the camera FOV change depending on the moving speed of the camera and then change the FOV back to normal?
I’m a bad scripter so i search for support, and still don’t know how to start with the script…
So if you flick your camera, the FOV changes to very high.

I need help.

If you barely understand this, than it may be because of my english, i’m a balkan so it’s not my first language.

local tweens = game:GetService("TweenService")
local players = game:GetService("Players")
local player = players.LocalPlayer
local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local humanoid = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")

local camera = workspace.CurrentCamera

local minSpeed = 0
local maxSpeed = 16
local minFov = 70
local maxFov = 90

	local ratio = (maxFov - minFov) / (maxSpeed - minSpeed)
	local fov = minFov + (speed * ratio)
	local tween = tweens:Create(camera,, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear), {FieldOfView = fov})

Local script inside StarterCharacterScripts folder.

local minSpeed = 0
local maxSpeed = 16
local minFov = 70
local maxFov = 90

Change these four variables to change the script’s behavior.


This is bussin’ but i think you didn’t understand something,
what i meant is:
If i move my camera with my mouse fast, the FOV changes and if the camera is still, the FOV changes back to normal.

Lastly, it’s a cool script.

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The camera’s CFrame is always going to be moving (at least as long as the client’s character model is moving).

You could use a “RenderStepped” event loop to determine how much the camera has moved between frames & act accordingly (increase/decrease the camera’s field of view).


is there’s way to make it like “if speed between 0 - 25 the Fov stay normal and if it’s above it’s start changing depending on the speed”

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