Add VIP server transactions to the purchases tab

As a Roblox developer, it is currently impossible to view your VIP server purchases in the purchases tab. Today I lost a ton of robux from VIP servers I no longer use, and at first I was unable to find where I lost the robux, as my Purchases tab was not displaying this info.

This means that you are unable to view when you rebuy a VIP server again, unless you go to the game itself, and view it from there. It’s not shown at a glance, and if you do not know about this, you can potentially lose a lot of robux.

Please add VIP server purchases to the tab, it’s become increasingly annoying and I’m fed up with losing robux constantly without seeing what game I’m losing them from at a glance.


You can’t see it here?

They are already there. They’re just… all directly underneath the first purchase, wherever that may be in your transactions.

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Can they be brought up? I bought vip servers months ago, and I don’t want to scroll all the way through


I have VIP Servers, however I don’t see anything on that page.

A lot of people are still running into the issue with the page being completely broken. I bumped the bug report a few days ago since I don’t see anything on the page either.