Add warning when setting dictionary key with same variable name

When setting a key in a dictionary, it will always make the key a string instead of using the variable with the same name. This can be confusing. Adding a warning when setting the key on line 2 would make this clearer

local Test = 123
local Table = {Test = true}

print(Table.Test) --123
print(Table[Test]) --nil

This would add a lot of noise to my class instantiation code, which often looks like

function MyClass.create(param1, param2)
    local c = {
        param1 = param1,
        param2 = param2,
        -- other members ...
    setmetatable(c, MyClass)
    return c
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I often use same names for variables and dictionary entries for internal values in some of my instances, so I am against this request. If you really have this issue, then consider renaming your variables to something that wouldn’t conflict with indices.


This is not workable for my own codebase, I’d get a lot of faux warnings. No thanks.