AddAccesory() not working as expected in Team Create

Reproduction Steps
Hello! This issue can be reproduced by

  • Opening an empty baseplate in Studio
  • Adding an R15 rig through the default RigBuilder plugin.
  • Running the following code in the command bar:

local Asset = game:GetService("InsertService"):LoadAsset(5917433699):GetChildren()[1] game.Selection:Get()[1].Humanoid:AddAccessory(Asset)

Expected Behavior
I expect the accessory to be attached to the humanoid as it would be in normal, non-Team-Create Studio and in-game.

Actual Behavior
The accessory is placed far away (as you can tell by the giant selection box):

The only workaround is to add the accessory with Team Create turned off.

Issue Area: Studio
Issue Type: Other
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2021-12-23 00:12:00 (-06:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2022-01-16 00:01:00 (-06:00)


Sadly, this problem has been reported many times before, and even as early as October 2021

This bug is severely impacting my ability to make NPCs in Team Create games. When can we expect a fix from Roblox?

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Thanks for the report! I have filed an internal ticket.


The R6 rig provided by the plugin doesn’t have attachments, which is a part of the issue. However, I have noticed that accessories no longer automatically position and create welds when parented to a rig.

Solution would be to update the plugin to have R6 attachments and fix the accessory welding bug.

I am experiencing this same issue, and i don’t think it’s limited to only AddAcessory.
Whenever i copy and paste an acessory/drag an accessory into a model, this happens.

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