AddAccessory() Parts are displaced on clients

I’ve ran into a problem where I call AddAccessory() multiple times to equip different pieces of a set of armor.
Sometimes (Happens to only certain sets of armor) the parts of it can be very misplaced on the client.

A bunch of parts of the armor are misplaced on the client but when I switch to the server everything looks fine. I tested this with multiple players and all clients saw the misplaced set of armor.

This is called from the server

for i,armorPiece in pairs(game.ReplicatedStorage.chests[]:GetChildren()) do
	local clonedPiece = armorPiece:Clone()
	clonedPiece.Parent = workspace

Have you tried anchoring the armour piece before parenting it to the workspace? Unanchor it after it has been added to the character.

Could you provide a screenshot of the object hierarchy of the accessory that’s troubled for placement, as well as the constraint details? I’m thinking that there may be something to do with either the welding or constraint proportion of it, given the AddAccessory documentation.

Between the server and client views, I could visibly only notice that there were pieces from the upper arms being displayed; I could not see any other part displacement either because there is none or I haven’t looked at the GIF properly and for long enough.