AddAccessory() simulated on Client Side?

How AddAccessory() does the calculation of the size that the accessory should have based on the character size?

I need to know that because I’m simulating the same behavior on client side, works well for layered accessories, but its not working for rigid ones as Hair, Hats, Back etc.

Somehow AddAccessory() on server is reading the proportions of the character in order to change the size of the Mesh inside the handle to place the accessory.

I’m simulating the entire behavior on client (because client has no access to that method) as parenting, offsetting and welding, but I need to find a way to handle the resize too, otherwise when a player is using those “new characters” that looks like a human body or by having different head proportions the Hair and Hats ends up being huge or tiny for their heads.

Thank you for your time, any reply is appreciated

At this moment my silly approach would be: Using AddAccessory() on server, obtain the size values, delete the accessory from player, then send those values to client… so the client script can change the accessory size to fit the proper proportion…

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Anyone? please some help with this? My workaround works fine… but, it really looks stupid… Loading the asset on player from server side just to get a proper resized accessory or get its size values then giving it to client to use it/wear it, its really awkward…