Added new animations, sounds and fracture thingy (hitman)

if you have any questions about the fracture its here, I got it from there
thanks to Ethanthegrand

let me know if u have any suggestions for it

game Link:!/about


Looks awesome! I never knew there was a resource for this.

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Fracturing looks great, so does the vault over the wall.
The only issue i’m having is with the animation for the vault up to a platform.

The arms seem to completely detatch. Other than that, looking good!

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Theres a bug or something where if you go next to a wall thats bigger than your character it still says “Press space to climb” dont know if thats intentional though.

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oHh that wall is for climbing but the animations aren’t done like grabbing the ledge and being able to move on it while grabbing the ledge

I’ll try to get it fixed and thanks alot :smiley:!

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I really love the mechanics and all, but the glass needs some changes

  • Make it so if it gets shot then the texture gets changed to something like that
    And after the second shot it it will just shatter like on the video, change the sound when it shatters to make it feel like you really broke an actual window, similiar to this one Window glass breaking sound effect - YouTube
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looks great! finally you made the vault faster! and umm the fracture is a bit wonky

also image nice amogus

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After finishing the inventory ui and stuff ill do that and thanks :smiley: !

Thankss and ill be working on the fracture after some ui stuff :smiley: !