Adding a new line to a string containing an html font

How could I add a new line to a string containing an html font?
Since im using [[]] for the string instead of "" due to the font color, \n doesn’t work.
Any way I can create a new line while having the text color?
(Having a separate TextLabel w/ a different TextColor is not an option)


[[Earn x2 Exp from all sources\n(Does not apply to bans)\n<font color="#4effa1">Duration: 5m\nLimit: 30m</font>]]


Managed to figure this out, just needed to concatenate the [[<font>]] parts separately:

"Earn x2 Exp from all sources\n(Does not apply to bans)\n"..[[<font color="#4effa1">]].."Duration: 5m\nLimit: 30m"..[[</font>]]


Edit: I’ll leave this post up in case someone else runs into this problem.

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