This car’s mesh cannot collide fully, or else the wheels will get forced out like the below image, and the engine won’t have enough torque to move them, and suspension won’t work, and a whole slew of other issues (this is a physics-based, rather than a body-mover-based suspension system):
There’s the solution of collision groups (making the wheels collide with anything but the car body), but that also comes with its own consequences. I have a different idea first.
I want to add a hidden ‘hitbox’ with the same shape as the mesh, but without collisions in the wheel areas - allowing the suspension and stuff to work, and also allowing the car to collide with things other than with the wheels. Hee.
This shouldn’t be possible.
Union operations don’t work with MeshParts. Any ideas? Is there some sort of plugin that can copy the overall shape / collision geometry of the MeshPart using normal Parts or UnionOperations?