What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
I’m trying to add custom icons next to the names of the players who chatted in the chat window while using new and updated TextChatService option. -
What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
I cannot add images to my chat but I can do custom tags such as the rank of the player in game using RichText but not icons. However, I know that this should be possible as I saw another game that had this here:
What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
The problem is I haven’t found any solutions anywhere for my problem for TextChatService. Older solutions are for the outdated LegacyChatService.
To clarify, I want to have an image(rbxassetid) next to the player’s chat name, not in the game.
It is shown in the screenshot above.
That is not possible to do with the new TextChatService. The new TextChatService is a core script and cannot be modified by developers, unlike the lua chat system
If you want to add an image next to the user’s username, you’ll either have to make a custom chat system or use an existing custom chat system
LegacyChat ported to TextChatService
This is my own module, it’s a forked version of the lua chat system I made, converting it to the TextChatService’s api, and adding some new features and bug fixes. Solutions you found will work on my fork as well
This is, as far as I know, the only (new) custom chat made for TextChatService, however, it doesn’t seem to support custom icons like the lua chat system, so you would have to implement that yourself
Any other custom chat I believe doesn’t use TextChatService’s api, and wont be allowed past April 30th
Thanks! I’ll give a try when I can. Thanks a lot!
Since this is a feature request, and I’m currently working on a project that uses WinryChat, I can totally look to add support for this after Jan 23rd. We’d have to split the username from the message itself, but otherwise it should be fine.
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