Adding custom images to leaderboard

Hello. I want to edit the leaderboard that opens when you press tab. I know how to add extra int values but what I want to do is to add small images. Basically like this:

Is that possible in default roblox leaderboard or do I need to create my own using plugins and stuff?

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You’re going to need to make a custom leaderboard for that as the PlayerList is a CoreGui, meaning Developers can’t access it.

Think of the Roblox leaderboard as a digital scoreboard that shows player information. Now, if you want to add small images to this scoreboard when players press Tab, you’ll need to do a bit of coding.

Imagine you’re a game designer, and you want to welcome players with a personalized touch. Here’s a simplified way to do it:

  1. Create a Warm Welcome Script: Place a script in the game that runs when a player joins. This script will create a special leaderboard with images for each player.
-- Put this script in ServerScriptService or ServerStorage

local function welcomePlayer(player)
    -- Create a custom leaderboard
    local leaderboard ="PlayerGui")
    leaderboard.Name = "Leaderboard"
    leaderboard.Parent = player

    -- Create a frame to hold the images
    local frame ="Frame")
    frame.Size =, 0, 1, 0)
    frame.BackgroundTransparency = 1
    frame.Parent = leaderboard

    -- Add welcoming images to the frame (replace these ImageLabels with your images)
    local image1 ="ImageLabel")
    image1.Size =, 50, 0, 50)
    image1.Position =, 10, 0, 10)
    image1.Image = "rbxassetid://123456789" -- Replace with the asset ID of your image
    image1.Parent = frame

    local image2 ="ImageLabel")
    image2.Size =, 50, 0, 50)
    image2.Position =, 70, 0, 10)
    image2.Image = "rbxassetid://987654321" -- Replace with the asset ID of your image
    image2.Parent = frame

    -- You can add more images to make it even more welcoming

    -- Connect this custom leaderboard to the player's screen

-- Connect the function to the PlayerAdded event
  1. Customize the Welcome Images: Replace the rbxassetid://123456789 and rbxassetid://987654321 with the actual asset IDs of your welcoming images. You can find the asset ID by going to the image on the Roblox website and looking at the URL.
  2. Put the Script in the Right Place: Make sure to place this script in either ServerScriptService or ServerStorage so that it runs on the server side.

By using this script, you’re essentially giving your game a warm touch by displaying custom images for each player when they join. It’s like welcoming them with a visual greeting card on the digital scoreboard!

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Doesn’t work, you’re unable to create a PlayerGui type instance.

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Not only does this not work, you have to run it inside a LocalScript. Not in ServerStorage/ServerScriptService

To be honest this sounds like a chat gpt response lol

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i think this can be easily recreated by getting the player Headshot, along with the name and adding a custom leaderboard. Im not 100% sure though

it most likely is, unless he is a formal, warm person haha

it is lol

inconclusion, u need a custom leaderboard

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Lol alright thanks for the help

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