Adding different languages

Hi there. There has been one thing that’s been bugging me since I got on the devforum. Since I use the British language and not the American one, when I say colours instead of color, I get a red squiggly line under my word, but I’m not writing this topic just because of some petty issue with the red underline.

What if this forum had multiple languages built into it? Not only British English, you could have German, Chinese etc.

I know that English the most commonly used language among people in the world and you would generally want to stick with that but you could have specific categories built in.

Look, the Roblox community is growing, and if the numbers are large enough, meaning that if you have a lot of people who are from a country where English isn’t the main language, you could have a category for those people to communicate. That way it will be easier for them and the forum will be more welcoming to people who don’t understand English. This is also showing diversity to everyone.

What are your thoughts on this?

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This is probably an issue of your browser or of your mobile keyboard. Also, there was once an International category, but it wasn’t used correctly, so it got removed.


It’s not the forums fault, just change your keyboard country which, if you have a windows computer, the keyboard should be located on the bottom right of your screen. I think Canadian English and British English are the same so change the keyboard to something like English(Canadian).


@DMCPEPlays and @VegetationBush Thanks for telling me, I just realised what I did wrongly, also what are your thoughts on adding other languages @VegetationBush

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Well, I could only think about adding Chinese, Spanish, and French, because I think they are the most used in the world(As far as I believe). But it probably wouldn’t make a difference, people who don’t know how to fully speak English can still be understood(It just takes a bit longer to process what they mean).