Adding ImageLabels throguh script not working?

I am making a game with custom cards, and came across a problem
Only image ids that were already in the studio are allowed
Any other images I try to add through scripts aren’t visible

Are the images you’re adding newly submitted? If so they could still be being processed by Roblox.

just one of them, the other is 2 days old.

Could you post the script you’re using and the Image IDs you tried?

Datastore manager:

local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local cardStore = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("PlayercardList")
local CardService = require(script.CardHandler)
	if cardStore:GetAsync(player.Name) then
		cardStore:SetAsync(player.Name , {
			{["Name"] = "nil", ["Color"] = "", ["Display"] = "", ["Power"] = 50, ["Health"] = 50, ["WhiteCost"] = 1, ["RedCost"] = 1, ["BlueCost"] = 1, ["GreenCost"] = 0, ["YellowCost"] = 0, ["Trigger"] = nil, ["Effect"] = nil},
			{["Name"] = "boyparis", ["Color"] = "", ["Display"] = "", ["Power"] = 400, ["Health"] = 5000, ["WhiteCost"] = 10, ["RedCost"] = 3, ["BlueCost"] = 3, ["GreenCost"] = 3, ["YellowCost"] = 3, ["Trigger"] = nil, ["Effect"] = nil}
	local pos = 0
	for i , v in pairs(cardStore:GetAsync(player.Name)) do
		local card = CardService.Unserialize(v)
		card.Parent = player.PlayerGui.HandGui.ScrollingFrame
		card.Position =,0,0,0)
		print(card.Position, pos)
		pos += 0.2

ModuleScript with Unserialize function

local module = {}
module.Unserialize = function(Properties)
	local card =  game.ReplicatedStorage.EmptyCard:Clone()
	card.Name = Properties["Name"]
	card.Border.Image = Properties["Color"]
	card.Display.Image = Properties["Display"]
	card.Power.Text = Properties["Power"]
	card.Health.Text = Properties["Health"]
	local distance = 0.13
	local colors = {"White","Yellow","Green","Blue","Red",}
	for i , color in pairs(colors) do
		card.Costs[color].CostLabel.Text = Properties[color .. "Cost"]

		if tonumber(card.Costs[color].CostLabel.Text) <= 0 then 
			card.Costs[color].Visible = false
			card.Costs[color].Position =,0,0.91, 0)
			distance += 0.075

	return card

return module

second card image:
First card border:

Have you checked the IDs are being set? As in when you click on the objects have the IDs been set to the correct image ID?

Try putting those IDs on decals or ImageLabels and then use the id generate in the Image property from the Gui, in your scripts.

Roblox doesn’t convert rbxassetid://id or id automatically (from scripts), therefore, it needs to be done manually using InsertService:LoadAsset(). Here’s a sample:

--Script in ServerScriptService
local assetId = 6816975612 --replace with your image id
local ins = game:GetService("InsertService") --obtaining service (Script only)

local img = ins:LoadAsset(assetId):GetChildren()[1].Texture
--as it returns a model, we extract the children, and get the property we need. As we're doing an image, .Texture is used (hence it's a decal)
print(img) --prints out as ""
--img can now be used as an id for ImageLabels

Try copying and pasting just the ID of the image into the ImageLabel then copy and paste the URL it provides into the script.

Yup that’s what i ended up doing.