Adding new variable inside dictionary using profile service?

Currently using profile service that updates new variables already however how can I make it so I update something that is in the dictionary for example adding age to existing data to Jeff.

Default_Data = {
StatsData = {[“Name”] = “Jeff”, [“Height”] = 1},
CurrentStorage = 0,
MaxStorage = 15,
Coins = 0,
Have you tried looking through the module’s official documentation?

I have already read it and already know profile reconciling exists however I am adding new things to the itemsdata from external scripts.
profile:Reconcile() – Fill in missing variables from ProfileTemplate (optional)

Now imagine I want to add another variable within the current existing data such as “Type” in the item, how would I be able to reconcile that dictionary.

Default_Data = {
ItemsData = {},
CurrentStorage = 0,
MaxStorage = 15,
Coins = 0,

local ObjectData = {
["ObjectName"] = "Sword",
["Amount"] = 1,
["Equipped"] = true}
-- to add ^Type to this data that already exists
local Contents = profile.Data.ItemsData
table.insert(Contents, ObjectData)