Issue Type: Bug
Impact: High
Frequency: Always
Date First Experienced: 21/09/2021
Date Last Experienced: 21/09/2021
Today I wanted to add my phone number to my account so I can test the Voice Chat Dev Beta. I typed my phone number and account password and then I typed the confirmation code… sort of. I made a typo and typed the code wrong but instead of saying wrong it said “This operation is not yet supported” or another string which means the same with this. I realised that on my third click and fixed the code but it said “You have entered the confirmation code wrong multiple times”. Weird thing is I got this automatic email from 3 times, once after each click:
… with the title "Roblox Phone Number Added or Changed.
I tried to do it again, this time it said that I typed my code wrong multiple times and also sent that e-mail again!
Reproduction Steps:
Just adding a phone number did it for me.