Adding pronouns to Roblox

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to express my full self either in-games or on the website as people might rarely use wrong pronouns or misgender me.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because this feature would improve the Roblox website alot, and would add a few useful features for experiences, such as being able to give specific items based on gender.

Pronouns would also be a nice feature overall on the Roblox website, because some users might not identify as a “he or she” but a they/them, or, they could identify as a different gender than their birth gender, and people might easily misgender people.

I believe, with more profile options, such as hiding username history, Roblox should have a way of letting users express themselves with pronouns, but at the same time, it could be an optional feature. There would be 4 choices for this, or probably 5.

  • He/Him
  • She/Her
  • They/Them
  • Other (default) - this feature would basically disable the pronouns from being shown on your profile or In-games.

Other platforms, such as Twitter already allow users to set this option, so it would be to see this come to Roblox as well.


Who would be able to use this feature?

Due to privacy issues, this feature should be locked to 13+ Users, as Roblox is not allowed to store personal data coming from those users.

How would this feature be impacting games?

This feature would help me a lot by being able to represent those who are part of a Minority, or award themed item skins, bundes, etc based on preferred genders, for example, one day I could showcase more “military, robots” outfits to individuals that prefer identifying as males, and “kawaii, princess” outfits to individuals that idenfity as females and different other styles for those with that identify as Non-Binary

This Feaure would be purely optional for those that want to set a pronoun, and those who don’t want to use it, can just keep it as “other”/disabled.


or just bring back the “My feed” feature…


Please keep politics out of Roblox. This is a platform where people come to have fun, not to document themselves about your identity.


The OP has mentioned that others mistook his gender.

Roblox is a social platform.


He can correct them or find an avatar that better describes his gender.


Not social platform, it’s imagination platform :point_up:.


Yeah no it’s not. Having pronouns in a platform does not automatically make it a dating site. Roblox is also going more on the social side (VC and head camera feature) so I wouldn’t mind this feature. classic avatars or whatever you call it, those skin-tone based clothing with no hats could get you questioning their gender.


You’re describing the “about” section of the Roblox profile. I don’t see the point of a special place for another identification mark. Remember the old status section? Gone.


no one really visits profiles unless they are stalking that person’s profile btw my suggestion would be a status feature that appears as some sort of “note” or “bubble” below or ontop of the player’s profile picture

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If they can’t bother checking your profile page then maybe they don’t care about your pronouns in the first place?


tru, but adding a status feature would make it easier for those who do care to see it without needing to visit profiles. people are going to be lazy

I wasn’t talking about the status feature, I was talking about a field on your profile designated specifically for pronouns like the OP is suggesting.


personally i think the status feature would still be a more subtle and broad way to show pronouns without eating up space on your profile but a dedicated area specifically for pronouns work, im not too sure what the issue is with having a pronouns feature tho

like i said people can or will be lazy, why do you think roblox added a way to chat with friends privately from in game


Not sure what politics have to do with genders? Mind explaining?


Pronouns are part of a certain political view and we all know what I mean by that. Roblox is not a political space.


pronouns are not about politics. they’re just about respect and allowing people to express themselves how they choose. roblox is a gaming platform, but hangout/social games exist


Pronouns are not part of a political view, everybody is born and has pronouns, they get them assigned when they’re born or change later in the future if they prefer being called otherwise, and I believe people should be able to display those if they choose to, especially because there might be games who want to give bonuses on special ocasions, such as “Mother’s day” or “Woman’s day” or similar celebrations.
This feature would also be optional, so if you don’t want to display anything, you could just not display anything.


But why do we need that in a game made mostly for children?? :sob::sob::sob:


you sure you still wanna call it a “game made mostly for children” with allat stuff happening out there?

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Despite what you might believe, pronouns are political and they don’t belong here.