Adding the Audio API Roll Off Curve Editor [Beta]

Very nice update, but I’m not quite sure what the exact purpose is, because except for AudioAnalyzer and VoiceChatService’s UseAudioApi’s Enabled, other functions can achieve similar effects through VolumetricAudio Enabled, SoundEffects and SoundGroup instances, Wouldn’t the new API be a better choice to use with the older version of Sound. together? that would also make the sound management more complex, will the old SoundEffect be updated with enhancements and hopefully Roblox will update the visual DAW to control the sound : )


If worries about Instance memory are your only concern then you can probably set them aside.

The additional cost of Emitter + Player being separate Instances and the extra Wires is a negligible amount of extra memory in the grand scheme of things. To put it in perspective, depending on the length a single audio asset which you’re playing may even take up more memory than all the Instance memory of the audio related Instances in the place.

In general Instance memory is rarely the bottleneck in experiences.


does the lowest value in the curve though

actually go low enough in dB, to mute the sound? :thinking:


I also want to know the default proximity voice chat roll-off settings, the minimum and maximum distance, as well as the curve shape

By default, all AudioEmitters in the new API use an inverse rolloff curve that replicates the rolloff of Sounds with a minumum distance of 4 and a maximum distance of 10000. The default voice chat setup using the new API does not currently change this behavior.

Voice chat without the new API uses a quadratic rolloff curve with a minumum distance of 7 and a maximum distance of 80. Our documentation contains a code sample which shows how to replicate this curve using the distance attenuation API.


This is really cool, basically UIGradient but it is on Sounds.

Now we dont need to open an sound editing app outside Roblox. This is a time saver.


Once you’ve given users the ability to allow places/groups/other users, to use audios even if they aren’t a developer for a group, or place… I’ll sing praises for this… until then; this is unneeded as audios are almost entirely pointless.


Yes; Volume here is multiplicative, so 0 means completely inaudible


so then this would mean, you’d no longer need that script introduced in the beta API post to have proximity voice chat for new voice chat

that’s very good!!


Many thanks! This information is extremely useful. Including this in the documentation would benefit some people


A amazing change to a bad system, amazing update!


Following off of this fantastic addition. Would we be able to change the “Slope” of the Equalizer / 3Band EQ sound effect in the future? The current 24dB/Oct curve is VERY sharp and can sound weird in a lot of situations where subtle filtering is needed. Whenever tweening the EQ bands it produces the classic 2000s EQ sweep and I’m looking for something more subtle for far away sounds.
Keep up the great work on the Audio API, honestly it’s so refreshing to see time and effort being put into the audio side of things! :pray: thank you :saluting_face:


I use NumberSequence attributes to achieve the same results. It lets you use the same curve editor (although it is constrained within the range of 0 - 1)

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Would love to hear what you’re working on when it’s ready! <3

Add an a “Sound Emitter Angle”, which can be set in the range from 0 to 360 degrees for control angle of emitting the sound, like an a SpotLight or SurfaceLight with their visualization of how are emitting the sound. It would be cool :grinning:.



yeah that would be cool, i agree…

i always wanted this because i set up things wrong always