Adding UI Gradient to a string, problem

Hello, I am currently struggling with my UI Gradient script, any help would be much appreciated.

local text = "@" .. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Name

local syntaxPatterns = {
	["(@%s+)([a-zA-Z0-9]+)"] = '<font color="rgb(255,255,255)">' .. text .. '</font>',
	["(function%s+)([a-zA-Z0-9]+)"] = '<font color="rgb(255,0,0)">%1</font><u>%2</u>',
local function HighlightSyntax(source)
	for pattern, repl in pairs(syntaxPatterns) do
		source = string.gsub(source, pattern, repl)

	return source

local function Update()
	script.Parent.Text = HighlightSyntax(script.Parent.Text)


What am I trying to achieve?

Where you see how I coloured certain parts of my text I want to replace that colour but with a gradient. I am struggling a lot, any help would be much appreciated.