Additional Search behavior in Group Audit Log

My Group has a system of ranking players to different roles according to their skill in the Group’s Experiences. We call this ranktesting. If I want to retrieve the history of someone’s rank changes in the Group’s Audit Log, I navigate to this menu as makes sense:


However, I cannot search for users on the receiving end of the rank change. If I search with a specified username, it only searches for the user changing the rank:

In order to search for the recipient user, I have to manually Ctrl + F the user’s name through pages of Audit Log to find where their rank has been changed:

For this specific problem, it would make sense that there is a secondary search bar to allow searching for the recipient user’s name.

However, as with any search feature, it is always better to have more filters rather than less. Having an Advanced button of some kind to allow additional filtering would give the user more control over what search results they get.

If I wanted to find old Roblox YouTube videos, here’s how I would use Google search to do it, for example:

Before filters:

After adding and pre-2010 filters to search results:

Adding additional filters like this to the Group Audit Log (among additional search features on the site) would be a significant UX improvement over the current Ctrl + F headache.