Addressing 2D Head Oversaturation & Enhancing Dynamic Head Features

When Dynamic heads were first introduced, Roblox made it clear static heads aren’t allowed. However, with the rise of Dynamic Heads, the enforcement of 2d heads have been overall lenient/nonexistence. This leniency has caused hundreds of 2d faces onto the 3d Dynamic head market.

As a 3d Dynamic head maker who spends countless hours making heads in good faith, perfecting expressions, it’s frustrating to see my heads overshadowed by 2d heads. Furthermore, the consumer being unable to preview my face animations indirectly hurts 3d Head Maker’s sales since they’re seamlessly lumped in with 2d heads.

I’ve been making 3D heads for nearly 2 years just for them to be lumped with 2d heads is frustrating so, I’ve decided to come up with a few proposals. My first proposal, to encourage good faith Dynamic head makers would give Heads the ability to give head a proper thumbnail with one of the heads unique expressions. Previously, Roblox briefly allowed you to give your heads an expressions for the thumbnail. This would allow you to be able to briefly change an expression on your head when its being previewed to anything you wanted. It would be great if a feature like this was brought back.

My Second proposal I had would be giving us the ability to display animations of our choice when the consumer hovers over on head. The vast number of facial animations that good faith Dynamic head creators could display definitely influence consumers to purchase our heads.

My final proposal would be to implement stricter moderations on 2D heads. It’s evident that Roblox wants its user to use 3D heads. I’m unsure why 2d heads aren’t being moderated in the first place but its counterproductive for their plan.
Example: Expression Preview


Or better yet, give UGC creators the ability to create classic heads an faces.
But making it so that the assets should be made by the creators an not someone else.


The issue is that users don’t like 3D heads. There’s not a single 3D head on the best selling dynamic heads page.
It’s just how it is, unfortunately.

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It’s because hardly anyone can make them right. 3D heads are a new concept, something you can’t figure out overnight. In addition, there’s no real incentive to actually learning how to make them, especially due to the lenience on uploading 2d heads.
The heads I sell perform decently but the fact that no one is able to see the animations/facial expressions definitely pushes away any potential buyers. There’s no real incentive to making heads since Roblox hardly enforces the 2d rule. If Roblox gave people an incentive to make 3d heads by either separating 2d heads from the 3d market or enforcing the 2d heads, that would encourage people to learn how to make heads.


Roblox should just open up Classic Heads and Classic Faces to UGC already. It’s very clear that most users do not care about Dynamic Heads or camera face tracking (a massive gimmick), nor do creators want to go through the effort to figure out how to even make these heads. You are the only creator I can think of that actually regularly uploads Dynamic Heads fully compatible with facial animation.

Trying to enforce facial animation on all newly-created heads doesn’t work, it only results in a massive sea of miscategorizations. I wish I could actually find Dynamic Heads in the Dynamic Heads category instead of having to guess if a head supports facial animation or not (it usually doesn’t, and the “winking” icon is completely misleading).

This feature never existed. The default facial expression used by the head depends on the mood included with the dynamic head bundle, and only Roblox can create moods. For a few weeks after their initial UGC release, new dynamic heads used Stevie Standard’s mood, which was incorrectly giving them all a very large smile, but this was eventually fixed by giving new heads Default Mood instead.


Like others have said, Static heads being the majority of the market makes it quite clear there is demand for non-animated, 2D faces. This suggestion mentions the problem yet fails to give a proposed solution other than “get rid of it!”. The enhancements would absolutely not solve this problem


While I do believe that Roblox should consider opening up classic faces to creators – that’s a topic for another time

The problem here is one that I agree with where the marketplace policy outlines guidelines for creations of the dynamic head category and creators who follow the guidelines are put at an competitive disadvantage because it’s easier to create content that does not align with the guidelines.

I don’t agree that users inherently hate dynamic 3D heads as some are suggesting – I’m under the belief based on previous examples (i.e users will never want humanoid bodies!) – that there is a lack of variety & quality with dynamic heads caused by the lack of incentive to invest in the creation of them

The next steps I would love to see Roblox take is to either loosen the guidelines – and make the playing field fair for all creators, or enforce the guidelines to support the ones who abide by policy

The grey area of content violating written policy is the underlying issue here and there is more than just the animation requirements being violated in these top selling heads such as the inclusion of makeup (which IMO is an extremely restrictive policy – again, I would prefer for the guidelines to be reviewed for relevancy rather than enforced)