AdGui: OnAdEvent does not fire

Game with almost 500k daily active users yet immersive ad events do not seem to be firing.

Tested myself in a blank baseplate under the same experience (in-game), OnAdEvent doesn’t seem to fire.

print("starting adgui")
workspace:WaitForChild("Billboard").AdGui.OnAdEvent = function(eventData)
    local AdEventType = eventData.AdEventType
    local PlayerId = eventData.PlayerId
print("adgui loaded")

Expected behavior

It should be firing any of the following events so that we developers can reward players who watch ads within our experiences.

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Hey @RVVZ,

Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

AdGUIs show different types of video ads and only fire the events if it is a completion based video. Publishers like yourself will earn revenue from both types of video ads which is why you are seeing revenue earned, but may not be seeing many of these events fired due to the type of video being displayed in the AdGUI.

Our team is currently working on updating the documentation to clarify this.

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