Admin Commands [List]

Admin Commands


  • Argument Splitter: “/”

  • Commands Splitter: “;”

  • Ban List: Functional

  • GUI: WIP

  • Multiple Commands fired at same time: Functional


  • Shortened Player Names: Functional

  • !All: Functional

  • !Others: Functional

  • !Me: Functional

  • !Clones: Functional


  • BrickColor + RGB Functional for all Objects. (Fire,Sparkles,Smoke etc.)

  • “Random” for random colours!

  • “Rainbow” for colours to change (loop)

Commands Added:

  • Appa
  • Bodycolor
  • Bodycolour
  • Boot
  • Bring
  • Bundle
  • Changeteam
  • Char
  • Character
  • Clone
  • Color
  • Colour
  • Connect
  • Ct
  • Damage
  • Delay
  • Dropbackpack
  • Dropbp
  • Dropitems
  • Explode
  • Extinguish
  • Face
  • Ff
  • Fire
  • Flames
  • Fling
  • Flip
  • Forcefield
  • Freeze
  • Gear
  • Ghost
  • Givetool
  • God
  • Gravity
  • Hat
  • Heal
  • Ice
  • Impersonate
  • Invisible
  • Item
  • Jp
  • Jump
  • Jumppower
  • Kick
  • Kill
  • Lab
  • Light
  • Loadcharacter
  • M
  • Message
  • Murder
  • Newteam
  • Nohats
  • Nt
  • Package
  • Pants
  • Pm
  • Privatemessage
  • Refresh
  • Removeclones
  • Removehats
  • Removejunk
  • Removeteam
  • Respawn
  • Rt
  • Scale
  • Scaletool
  • Setgrav
  • Shirt
  • Sit
  • Size
  • Slaughter
  • Smoke
  • Sparkles
  • Speed
  • Spin
  • Summon
  • Teleport
  • Test
  • Thaw
  • Throw
  • Tip
  • To
  • Tool
  • Toolscale
  • Tp
  • Trap
  • Twinkle
  • Unchar
  • Uncharacter
  • Unff
  • Unfire
  • Unforcefield
  • Unfreeze
  • Unfreeze
  • Unghost
  • Ungod
  • Unlight
  • Unsmoke
  • Unsparkles
  • Unspin
  • Untwinkle
  • Visible
  • Wait
  • Walkspeed
  • Weld
  • Ws

Commands to be created:

  • Rocket/

  • Ban/

  • Chat/

  • Aiclone/

Additional Items to add:

  • DataStore for Bans

  • Interpreter for GUI

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