Admin login help needed

Hey I need help for my admin login, While I don’t know how to script also the picture is down below


If you can help please write it below

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Please dont make an admin login, its super annoying. Just make a datastore that records all admins by userid or make a hard admin list with a list.

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well I can’t make scripts. and I needed help just for a admin menu

Let me make the admin menu with admin options

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How an admin login would work depends entirely on how the rest of your admin system works. So you have to make that first.

But if you’re just learning to script you should begin with something much simpler.

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well I do need help of making admin menu for my upcoming game.

Well I done the second one now

Something like this could work.

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local LogIn = ReplicatedStorage.LogIn

local Textbox = --PathToTextBox
local LogInButton = --PathToLogInButton


-- Server

local Password = "" -- Whatever you want

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local LogIn = ReplicateStorage.LogIn

LogIn.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, EnteredText)
	if EnteredText == Password then
		-- Do what ever else here

Wait where’s the thing to open the frame?

You have to make that on your own.


There’s a error of this script

Try this.

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local LogIn = ReplicatedStorage.LogIn

local Textbox = --PathToTextBox
local LogInButton = --PathToLogInButton


-- Server

local Password = "" -- Whatever you want

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local LogIn = ReplicatedStorage.LogIn

LogIn.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, EnteredText)
	if EnteredText == Password then
		-- Do what ever else here

Is still the same bruh can you do a different one?

What does the code that you have made for this system look like?

What code do you mean? I didn’t do any scripts yet but the one you gived me.

Then why are you posting. here?

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What do you mean posting here?

The template you removed while creating this post also has a lot of information that is in this post.

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