Admin Panel UI Design feedback

Is this design good for a British Army game? (Yes the text does change I just didn’t change it here)


the ui it’s missing some importent things like

for example here so you should add the importent information in the front/main ui

and the importent things about the ui is adding some small details for example effect ui enter/leave button and adding background image so the ui won’t be boring

i know i know no one can see this ui only admins but these small things make your game much better and feel your game is better then any game you made before

this is my feedback you can take it if you want :smiling_face:


Thank you! I already have a few animations and a button to open / close it!

image (Open button)
image (Open without hover)

It could probably do with a few more animations, and I could make them better. There is a theme system, so you can choose a theme. I will be adding more themes but right now the themes are:




I will probably change the theme images, and add more, but for now just 3 is enough in my opinion.

There are more commands, but I only chose to show a few.
As for the admin list, I’m currently working on that! I will probably also add an interactable player list, so you can choose a target. Thank you for the reply!


The background images are alright but they don’t feel right, especially if they’re detailed.

I suggest blurring the images or use a wavy gradient background.

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