Admin panel UI feedback

so ,I made an admin panel UI and am asking for feedbacks here is it

am beginner UI designer so yea

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Hello, @tahabashar1

If it’s your first UI, well congratulation! , not bad looking, not too fancy too, but I would say it’s functional, if you keep working on it maybe it could look better, like you make rounded dimension on some, but not on all of your UI, maybe try to make them all rounded.

Also, maybe try to make it less messy, more organised, make it in a square frame, for the buttons.


I think the admin panel UI came out amazing! I like how simple it is and it’s not too crazy and I think when it will be in use it’s really easy to use and not hard to follow at all. Overall, I think it came out great!

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basic and bland i made on 4 months ago: Feedback On my first Admin Panel UI - #61 by JuanGamerPlayz_RBLX

try making that


Here is some constructive feedback to highlight areas of improvement and your personal UI design skills. So first of all your UI is very blocky which in my opinion does not like that great (of course if that is your preference then go for it) I would suggest using the roundify plugin to make the edges rounder alternatively using a third party program to design the UI and then import it to Roblox. Apart from the edges, I would suggest having the menu buttons positioned in a better way, I would like to encourage you to try different UI alignment objects such as the grid layout to control button size and position. Here again, rounder buttons would not look bad and have the text in the buttons a bit smaller as it’s nearly the size of the background of the buttons, which does look bad. Apart from that, I think the buttons background color is a bit too lark, a not great-looking font. I would say that you should try other fonts. So yeah this is what I had to say hope you can make great improvement as well as apply this to future UI work

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Looks really cool! Especially for your first one.

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