Admin System Datastore

I made a datastore module for my admin system, which holds their admin level and if they’re banned or not, and I’m not sure if this would work.

local Data = {}
local datastore = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("KeeAdminData")

Data.Set = function(player, data)
	local success, err = pcall(function() datastore:SetAsync(player.UserId.."_AdminDS", data) end)
	if success then

Data.Get = function(player)
	local data
	local success, err = pcall(function() data = datastore:GetAsync(player.UserId.."_AdminDS") end)
	if success then
		if data then
			return datastore:GetAsync(player.UserId.."_AdminDS")
			Data.Set(player, {Ban = {Banned = false, BanReason = "N/A", Moderator = nil}, Level = 0})
			return datastore:GetAsync(player.UserId.."_AdminDS")

return Data

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I’m sure this would work fine, but I don’t recommend their admin level being up to DataStore and should just a list of admins instead.

What if you wanna add a player as an admin directly as a command? sure, table.insert exists but it only changes on the server not the whole game.

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You can connect a Discord Bot that can use an external store for putting in admins and such.

you should probably cache it instead of getting and setting the datastore everytime. that’ll cause a lot of throttling issues, even if datastore v2 fixes that. ill give you a rough example of what something like that would look like.

for some background, modulescripts have their own environment just normal scripts (in other words they can do the stuff a normal script can do)

local DataStore = {}

local AdminDatastore = ...
local data_cache = {} -- our lil cache

function DataStore.Get(player)
-- no tabs, sorry
local data = data_cache[player] or AdminDatastore:GetAsync("Player_" .. player.UserId)
if not data_cache[player]
data_cache[player] = data

return data

function DataStore.Set(player, data)
data_cache[player] = data

-- TODO: handle player removing

return DataStore

if you’re already caching the data, than you don’t need to worry about it, otherwise this tends to be a bad practice.

other things to note is that bindtoclose isn’t really necessary, that’s already handled by playerremoving.

How would I save it and set default values, and update those values?

oh that’s actually pretty simple, you’re probably going to want to want to hook to a playeradded event and fill in the values that don’t exist

local DATA_TEMPLATE = { -- once again no tables
Banned = false,
... -- your other values

local AdminDataStore = ... -- you can also implement the module

function playerAdded(player)
-- no tabs again sorry
local data = DataStore:GetAsync("Player_" .. player.UserId) or DATA_TEMPLATE

for index, value in pairs(DATA_TEMPLATE) do
if not data[index] then
data[index] = value -- for other use cases you may want to look into deep copying if you want to copy values deeper into your table structure

data_cache[player] = data


for _, player in ipairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do


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It’s basically the same but harder to setup + make the script + datastore has lower limits + request limit + discord banned Roblox from sending requests so you would need a proxy which is harder and longer + proxy’s might have more limits than discord + the proxy will prob ask for money + you would have to host the bot which makes it 10x harder

i generally like to use bots as a proxy for webhooks since you can use express and discord.js on a website such as, and it will do all the same things a webhook would do without limits

not to mention you can edit messages that were sent in the past by the bot