Administer // Modern & Modular free admin system [1.2]

While the panel looks good, I don’t see why we would use this over any other admin panel on the marketplace.

The organisation for this admin panel is quite bad ( please clean that up )

Could you please explain what you mean by this? Is it hard to reach specific functions?


Compared to something like this


Which one would your rather see in your game?

Understood. Eventually I do plan to move to a more modular system for core APIs (see the Modules directory) but it’ll be a more gradual rework over the next few versions because I am just one person doing all of the work.

The Settings overhaul will be the first leap to the modular future but for now I’ve noted down your feedback but unfortunately the answer is “it’s coming eventually” and I don’t have a specific timeframe.

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All good, take your time.

What about this?

It’s fully subjective, just depends on your needs.

Administer is fully modular, where core features use the same developer API anybody else would. I haven’t seen that elsewhere besides like “addons” or “custom commands” on other solutions I had used in the past. I mostly made it that way because back when I ran a game HD admin was eating up all of our messaging slots and the system would break when I removed features nobody needed like polls.

Administer also has a lot of other unique features like player analytics, the marketplace, rank editor, server directory, and more which as a game developer would have been very useful and would have saved me time from having to make them myself back when I did that.

It’s still new and I’m essentially making stuff solo so the experience isn’t fully where I want it but we’re getting t there over time. If you have any other concerns that I didn’t cover here please let me know, this is just what I interpreted your reply as.

Wouldnt that provide a security issue?

No because of permissions, you can only give people access to the configuration menu if you want to. Eventually we’ll support specific permissions (“Edit ranks”, “Install apps”, …) but that won’t be for a while.

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Version 1.2.3 out now, just some more basic fixes with ranks. Nothing new.

How did you get Roblox working on linux when wine is blocked?

Have I posted in this already? Idk but this admin ui is amazing, it’s crisp and clean.

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It’s not blocked for Studio, just buggy. I haven’t been able to use it lately because I get trapped on “logging in”.

I use Sober to play real games though. Works fine still.

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Seems like if you spam topbarplus icon it’ll lag the game a lot for a client.

Thanks, I know what’s causing this, only for left in because I didn’t think anybody would trigger it. Will be patched in the upcoming rewrite.

Could you also update settings tab please? Its uncanny to see ‘Success!’ for 5 seconds whenever i change any setting.

Yes, that will also be done with the rewrite which will include a settings refresh. I’m pretty sure I put a preview of it in the Discord a bit ago so you can check there if you want.

I would just make a checkmark that appears for 2 seconds which would have less clutter and seem more modernized.

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Really nice work on this. I look forward to playing around with it and taking a look behind the scenes.

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Would it be possible to get some kind of settings script like you have at HD-Admin? I personally like to make some things directly in a script and not having to click around in a UI (I know that the UI is better for fast management). I also would like to have a option to add custom commands for Admins which I can’t find a script for in the GitHub.

I probably don’t see us supporting this but it’s something to consider for the rewrite I’m doing. Your best bet currently is to tweak the default values in the Config module and wipe the settings DataStore so it loads from the module.

This is coming soon as well. No idea when but you’ll see it appear on the Marketplace when it’s ready.

notify1 rbxassetid://9770089602 dose not work

error code Failed to load sound rbxassetid://9770089602: User is not authorized to access Asset.