Sorry it had to come to the public side of the forum, I’ve been in contact with a couple admins in the past couple months to switch my DevForum membership to my other ROBLOX acc but to no avail they have stopped contacting me, and have offered no help whatsoever
Please, DM/PM Me if you can help me out
November 13, 2016, 7:50am
I just did this, so I can confirm it works
Log out of your ROBLOX account
Log into the ROBLOX account you wanna use
Log out of the DevForums
Log into DevForums, it will bring you to the ROBLOX website asking if you want to re-link your account to another
If I recall that correctly, it should work.
This did not work for me ;_;
November 13, 2016, 8:33am
Did you get something similar ro this page when you logged into the DevForums on your new account?
Nope, what web browser are you using? I tried even relaunching my Chrome and trying several times.
November 13, 2016, 6:32pm
Both accounts need to be using the same email for this to work.
November 13, 2016, 6:40pm
If both the account you currently have linked and the new one share the same email, you can switch between them being linked by doing as Usering said.
Thanks guys will try it out.
Umm I’m still having problems. I got to the relink button/link and pressed it and got this:
Please help ;_;