Hello! Display names are not the best (at least in my opinion) and I saw a post asking how to remove display names on the playerlist. The playerlist automatically updates when people join and leave and every 30 seconds it updates.
Automatically applies a setting to the chat that makes it not use display names.
Has the status icons (Premium, owner, admin, star, etc. but not intern)
You can friend users
Mimics the old 2015/2016 playerlist
You can view the source of the module. All that will go off in an antivirus is the chat modules (the roblox chat is made out of a bunch of modules). I usually make most of my resources available by just a requires.
Display names are still visible in the escape menu, and all it really is is just a different leaderboard and removing names above player’s heads. I wouldn’t really call it “Anti” display name.
EDIT: Alright so actually it just hides the player names locally, although you can still view other players names. Besides this I realized that all names are the color red. Not sure if thats a good thing or not, but it’s definitely odd.
Oh yeah, it is designed to make it so you don’t have a playerlist that looks like this in a game “John,EpicSwordGuy,Robloxian12432,NOOB,LOLZ”
and so you don’t have a fake mrflimflam saying you will get free robux/vbucks/limiteds
The leaderboard uses Roact if I am correct. There is no way to enable or disable display names on it. I modified the config of the chat and replaced the chat files just in case roblox removes that option.
Didn’t notice this originally, what’s the point of using this when there’s a million other custom playerlists you could use
Even though I have one, I don’t like the idea of it.
Bad move then, wouldn’t recommend. Forking the chat is going to disable you from getting future updates, I don’t think Roblox will change the option to disable display names anytime soon
The displaynames on the menu are fine because it shows the username. The playerlist and the chat don’t show the names and I don’t think a kid would check if mrflimflam/drtrayblox were saying they would give them free premium and 99999999999999999 robux?