Adonis Admin- How would I make it so that all players in a specific team are rewarded admin?

I’m having issues with the Rank table. I’m trying to make it so that an entire team in my game is given admin privileges, but I’m not sure how to include it in the table.

I tried game.Teams.Clergy but that doesn’t work, as it doesn’t give admin to the individual players.
Tried using an AI Helper bot but it’s not much help either.

I’m not sure if I understand your problem entirely, but have you tried connecting a server script to the settings config and using the server script to add players to the type of admin level you want?

I have tried adding game.teams.clergy (my team name) inside of the Admins table, since that’s the admin rank I want to receive. and No, I haven’t tried a server script. I wasn’t sure if it was a good idea, but I will give it a try

I’m not really sure how Adonis Admin works, but I don’t think it would run if you did it that way.

So I took some time to take a look at this, and I don’t have a solution (yet), but this may be able to help.

I believe that one of the easiest ways to do this is to attempt to execute a command from the server (contrary to what’s usually done on the client) (correct me if I’m wrong). The command you’re looking for would be :settemprank (mostly because :setrank saves the set rank).

I looked at the source code ( right here ) and the specific thing you’re looking for is in MainModule → Server → Core → Admin at line 931, where you’ll find the specific function responsible for giving someone admin.

At the moment I have to go, but I believe there’s a way to remotely trigger this function, allowing you to rank a player. I’ll try to find out when I’m back. Hope this helps!!!

Edit: The chunk of code responsible for the settemprank function is in MainModule → Server → Commands → Admins, line 60.

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