Adonis Discord Webhook

I fully understand that using Discord Webhooks is not looked upon as a good thing as Discord primary use is for social encounters and communities. But currently Discord is something I understand enough to send HTTP requests to and fully get the information. I will of course be moving to a database if I get the resources and look more into possibilities.

The issue
This code use to work and suddently it has stopped working when none of our scripters have edited any of its components. I tried to heed the help of some other scripters to no resolution. Hence I am here on the forum asking for your help.

Main Code

local WebhookId 	= "INSERT ID HERE" 
local WebhookToken = "INSERT TOKEN HERE"
server = nil 
service = nil

local Http = game:GetService("HttpService")
local webHook = require(script.WebhookAPI)
local PlaceName = game:GetService('MarketplaceService'):GetProductInfo(game.PlaceId).Name

return function() 

function LvlFromNum(p)
	local level = server.Admin.GetLevel(p)
	if level >= 4 then
		return 'Creator'
	elseif level >= 3 then 
		return 'Owner'
	elseif level >= 2 then
		return 'Admin'
	elseif level >= 1 then
		return 'Mod' 
		return 'Player'

	local msg = tab.message
	local command = tab.command
	local args = tab.args
	local index = tab.index
	local table = tab.table
	local ran = tab.ran
	local error = tab.error
local level = server.Admin.GetLevel(p)
local Discord_Webhook =,WebhookToken) 
	if ran then 
		local arg = ""
		if args and #args > 1 then
			for i,v in pairs(args) do
				arg = arg..","..v
			arg = args[1]
		-- So you know what type of admin, put the group ID. 
		local rank= p:GetRoleInGroup(5121069) 
		if rank == "Guest" then
			rank = "Other/Admined"
		local IMG = ""..p.Name
			username = 'SR Logging',
			["embeds"] = {{
		["title"] = "**Command Logs**",
		["type"] = "rich",
		["color"] = tonumber(0xb51b20),
		["thumbnail"] = {["url"] = IMG},
		["footer"] = {
			["text"] = "System created for SR",
			["icon_url"] = ""},
		["fields"] = {
				["name"] = "Player :person_with_blond_hair:",
				["value"] = "["..tostring(p.Name)..' | '..LvlFromNum(p).."]("..p.UserId.."/profile)",
				["inline"] = true
				["name"] = "Command :link:",
				["value"] =  tostring("`"..msg.."`"),
				["inline"] = true
				["name"] = "Rank :first_place:",
				["value"] = rank,
				["inline"] = true
				["name"] = "Place :house:",
				["value"] = tostring("["'MarketplaceService'):GetProductInfo(game.PlaceId).Name.. " | ""](""/r)"),
				["inline"] = true
				["name"] = "Time :clock1:",
				["value"] = tostring(service.GetTime()).. " (UTC)",
				["inline"] = true


The Webhook API
This is a table for the API

local webHook = {}

webHook.__index = webHook

local Http = game:GetService("HttpService")

	local mt = setmetatable({id=id,key=key}, webHook) 
	return mt

function webHook:post(config,host)
local data = nil

local success = pcall(function()
	data = Http:JSONEncode(config)

if not success then 
	warn("Conversion error, please re-check your data.") 



return webHook

The Question
What is the error or why is it not working? (Also some extra information this code is scripted for Adonis)

In the main script, the ID’s are “INSERT ID HERE” and “INSERT TOKEN HERE”. Is that intentionally made for this post to hide the ID’s or is it like that in the real script? If it is, then that would be the problem.

Yes, it is put there to hide the true ID and Token of the webhook to avoid being spammed.

Hey NotusMoons!

Is it possible that Adonis updated and changed something that would affect this feature? And if so, it should send a warning output in console if you playtest it.

I do not believe so since it gives me no such warnings and just does not send it to the discord server. It is honestly so weird.

Adding onto that arccitecc it seems that the console does not even show anything when I run commands about sending an HTTP request or even firing a command. So I have no clue if it actually fires or not.