Adonis webhook log?

So I have this script that i have in my ServerScriptService that was originally a trello logger, and I tried changing it to discord. I have tried to get logs and it does not work, I have no idea if its a adonis update or if this just doesn’t work, any help?

local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")

function SendMessage(arguments)
local myTable = {}
myTable["content"] = arguments
myTable["username"] = "Log Bot" --player.Name
local myTableJSON = HttpService:JSONEncode(myTable)

myTableJSON = HttpService:JSONEncode(myTable)

HttpService:PostAsync(Url, myTableJSON)

server = nil
service = nil

return function()
		if ran and Url then 
			local arg = ""
			if args then
				for i,v in pairs(args) do
					arg = arg..","..v
			SendMessage(tostring(p)..": "..msg,
				"\nPlayer: "..tostring(p)..
				"\nMessage: "..tostring(msg)..
				"\nCommand: "..tostring(command)..
				"\nArgs: "..tostring(arg)..
				"\nTime: "..tostring(service.GetTime())..
				"\nSuccessful: "..tostring(ran)..
				"\nError: "..tostring(error)..
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Hello, have you tried print debugging? Also, connect with a lowercase “c” is deprecated so please use Connect with an upper case “C.”

Do not post your webhook link on the DevForum – people can spam it and get your Discord account moderated.


Thank you, I had no idea why “@everyone” was in the log.

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Let me repeat what I said, have you tried print debugging?

I have no clue what that is, any help?

print("checkpoint 1")
print("checkpoint 2")

If “checkpoint 2” is printed then the code worked. did not have a runtime error.

Oh, I didn’t understand the debugging part, I understand prints. But I found the problem being the plugin, the code doesn’t work due to all of these scripts being for the outdated version of adonis.

I thought Discord cut ties with any requests that come from due to people abusing them for error handlers.

No, I have many logs for stuff in my game that work perfectly fine, this is just one I can’t seem to work.

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Discord unblocked Roblox from sending webhook requests in the second quarter of 2019 I believe.