Ads Manager Error When Selecting Campaign

I’ve spent a bunch of money on ads recently, and whenever I try to select the campaign to see things like CTR, it gives me an error, It’s been like this for me for several days, not sure what to do. Whenever I press the “checkmark” on any of my campaigns it gives the error, and I’m unable to open any particular ads or ad sets. I’m planning on releasing my game soon, and need to test the CTRs here ASAP, not sure what to do.

Same happening for me, i can create campaigns but have been unable to create new ad sets for 3 days. Also unable to see current ad sets.


Hi Cole. Sorry to hear you’re having this problem. Please try a hard refresh of your browser and that should solve the problem (Press the refresh button on your web browser)

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Hi, this problem is ongoing for me. I was able to start a campaign with one ad set, but it was immediately set to inactive. Clicking the ad set tab shows the error message, “We could not fetch any data this time. Please try again later. If the problem persists please contact operations for support.”

We’ve been checking multiple times a day since 12/01, hard refreshing doesn’t work. Clearing the cache doesn’t work. I’ve tried it on multiple browsers, on my phone, PC & Mac. Do you have any insights on what’s going on? This is negatively impacting my game’s discoverability.

Hi @AznDibs we are actively working on trying to fix your issue. Just to confirm - which browsers have you tried? And is AznDibs the account you are creating the ads with?

I’ve tried that. Currently on Chrome. I’ve tried signing out and back in, I’ve tried closing the browser, shutting off my PC, and everything- no luck.

Using AznDibs, correct. I’ve tried on Chrome (PC, Mac, Android, iOS) & Safari (iOS, Mac)

Is this still happening for you? I haven’t been able to run ads still. Very frustrating.

This issue should be fixed. If it is not fixed for you, please let us know by creating a new bug report and we will follow up with you individually. Thank you!

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