I ran a sponsored experience for a day with a budget of $20, it’s been a little over half a day and they’ve already charged me $25+. That is 25% more than what i bid for the entire 24 hours!? Gotta say, over my 10+ years of making games on roblox this has got to be the worst system I’ve ever seen for promoting a game. I also saw this happen to another user “Evercyan” over 1 month ago and roblox is still over charging people!! Hope someone can help me out here, I regret buying a sponsored ad and probably will never purchase another again.
Also just to point this out, I ran a website ad for 1k R$ ($3.50) and got 700+ clicks. This is obviously a much better system to promote a game. With sponsored ads I’ve paid $25 for barley double what I got for $3. Could’ve just invested $6 into website ads and I would’ve been better off.
700 ad clicks got you 100-200 plays trust me
ads manager is better but its broken now
show me your ad so I can see it, seems interesting
zero evidence it’s better for devs…lots of datapoints that it’s worse ( $3.50 for 700 clicks is vastly better than $25 for 1400 clicks)
plays > clicks if u get me my guy
and? all you are given is the number of people who reached your game page in either example. Not who played.