Ads System module: sell teleports to other games in-game!

This module lets you place billboards in your game, and players can pay to have their own game displayed on the billboard for that server. Other players can then see the game on the billboard and click to teleport to that game.

Clicking on a part will open a UI, in that UI you will be able to add the ID of some game, for example: 192800 (Work At A Pizza Place).

When buying the developer product it will make the part have the game photo and game name, And everyone will be able to teleport to that game!

This module uses:

  • MarketplaceService
  • RemoteFunctions
  • Your developer products
  • TeleportService

Here’s the open-sourced module if you want to use it in your games : Ads System - Roblox

Here are some pictures of the module in action:


I recommend making the ad display for ALL servers because right now it’s not worth it and I would use the tools Roblox provided because it provides more value.

I can’t see any front page games use this either, why would you want players to leave your game.

It is a neat Model, good for learning but not really practical in terms of Game Development.

But good job!


DISCLAIMER: I also doubt it being used widely, though this post is just to answer your rhetorical question.

You could use it to advertise a newer game you’ve just made, to improve publicity, as well as for projects you’ve worked on that you can generate some sort of income from (if for monetization purposes).

If you aren’t doing it for monetization, you can use it to help a friend who you think has made an amazing game but doesn’t have the ability to publicise it due to lack of funds.

Amongst other reasons.

Anyone else have “monetization” want to be corrected by auto correct?


I don’t see any modules in the place?

These are unnecessary for what you’re doing.

script.Donate.OnServerInvoke = function(player, recipient)
	local rec = game.Players:FindFirstChild(recipient)
	player.PlayerGui.BuyAds.Frame.ImageLabel.Visible = true
	player.PlayerGui.BuyAds.Frame.NameTest.Visible = true
	local isSuccessful, info = pcall(marketplaceService.GetProductInfo, marketplaceService, recipient)
	if isSuccessful then
    	player.PlayerGui.BuyAds.Frame.NameTest.Text = info.Name
		player.PlayerGui.BuyAds.Frame.ImageLabel.Image = ""..recipient
		workspace.GameTeleport.SurfaceGui.ImageLabel.Script.Disabled = true
		workspace.GameTeleport.SurfaceGui.ImageLabel.Script.Disabled = false
script.Donate.OnServerInvoke = function(player, recipient)
	local rec = game.Players:FindFirstChild(recipient)
	workspace.GameTeleport.Tele.ClickDetector.Script.GameId.Value = recipient
	workspace.GameTeleport.SurfaceGui.ImageLabel.Script.Disabled = true
	workspace.GameTeleport.SurfaceGui.ImageLabel.Script.Disabled = false

Nothing is returned. RemoteEvents would be better in this case.

Also, toggling disabled on a script is a very odd way to disable the buttons. Changing a variable in the script would be better and make whats happening more obvious.

3 local scripts and 7 server scripts is a lot for what is being done, if they could be combined into one script that would improve readability.

Small nitpick, but it would be nice if the scripts were indented consistently.


This could come in handy for my upcoming game. Thank you for creating this. It looks very nice.

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I’m going to be editing the code and try to make it cross-server.

I’m also gonna be updating the UI and making it look a lot cleaner.

I’ll post a link to the model when I get a chance.


Sounds interesting!

Are you intending on making it something that can properly scale to say a front page game or not

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Its a gamble. You could make a profit if many ad campaigns on your game are unsuccessful or barely successful. The buyers are bargaining for a chance to receive players.

Its really no different than how Facebook or Instagram pages get paid to advertise products. Regardless if they go to that other game or not, you made money off sending them there and they’ll likely come back to your game one time or another. Not like they will be gone forever, playerbases mix rather than stay separated.

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I have one question about this. Am i able to change the price of this?

You can change the price it is a Developer Product. After you set up the Dev Products you will have to add the ID to the script in ServerScriptService and the LocalScript.

Ahh thank you. This will definitly come in use

Lol I’ll tell you now that the retention Facebook has is waaaaaaay higher than any Roblox game

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Completely missed the point. :upside_down_face:

Sorry maybe I didn’t make the point clear enough.

My point was that Facebook has a lot higher retention than your typical Roblox game, far and away higher retention. People who are on Facebook are already well hooked in because all their friends on it and they’re a monopoly.

Its also worth noting that

  1. Facebook usuallllyyy advertises to internal things i.e Games you can play with friends.
  2. These sites aren’t usually advertising direct rivals

If you plaster your game with teleports to other, maybe more fun, games, to new players who don’t have a chance to sink their teeth if, you’re going to have to chance a lot of Robux to offset that lost revenue.

With that said I still think this is a neat idea and a novel product.

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I am talking about pages and not Facebook or Instagram directly. This was explicit in my previous post. But even this is false thanks to their paid advertising system that lets you advertise your own website. A bit more relevant than a “unusually”

In relevant to the context of pages, they advertise competitors all the time because people will pay a lot of money for that kind of exposure. I mean, teenagers have made livings off meme pages thanks to advertising deals.

Plaster can be a misleading word, you don’t need to plaster it everywhere.

Prices based on game popularity can help this. I said it was a gamble. Not like I said it was a surefire way to make a profit.

There’s not really a “point” to be had here. Its up to each developer to decide if they want to implement such a system. I just outlined existing marketing methodologies that use similar mechanics.

may i ask (as a newer scripter) if you have anything in mind for that? Currently i really only know how to make a .Touched part and data stores so all of this looks really advanced to me :sweat_smile:
i havent really seen anything online either.

I will be making Ads System Module V2 Coming in 2021.

It will have a lot of improvements, I did this one when I didnt know so much about scripting, but since now I know a little more than before im planning to make Ads System Module V2.

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