Hello! Today I will showcasing my admin that I have been working on for around a month now. I didn’t give it a name because I can’t think of one. It has features other admins don’t have. Let’s get started!
So let’s start off with the basic features.
Speed, explode, light, bring, goto, kill, heal, damage, the basics. We also have some fire, unfire, r6, and some other basic stuff.
We also have a decent-looking notification GUI. Notification-wise, we have regular notification which gives a specific player a notification, modnotification which sends a notification to all moderators in the server, and globalnotification which notifies everybody in the server.
Now here is where stuff gets interesting. Kicking and banning.
Here I kick my alternative account, seems pretty basic. But it also logs in discord.

This isn’t even the fun part yet. Next stop, banning.

This also logs in discord. Now here is where the fun and advanced stuff begin. If I run the command $checkban username in Discord, my bot gives me the person who is banned.

I can also check the bans of users.

Here I unban my alternative account.

Now if I check his ban again.

Oh and incase you are wondering, I am using an external database in nodejs. It’s a NoSQL database. I use it for bans and ranks. Now I can also change ranks from both discord and Roblox.
$grank stands for get rank. I can check and change ranks from Discord.
Now I can also execute Lua code and scripts from the chat in-game. It also has a custom environment with owner redirecting to the player executing it.
It also has error checking. If your script has errors then it tells you the script has an error. If not, it executes fine.
Now something even better comes in. I can execute scripts from Discord and they will appear in every server. This usually takes 2 seconds to transmit to Roblox (trying not to kill the http request limit).
You thought that was the end of it? There are even more features. There is a commandbar that is toggled using ’ on your keyboard.
It also gives you command suggestions.

Oh and I think I forgot to mention I can ban people from Discord.

Don’t mind the underscores, it’s some bug I need to fix. There is only 1 more feature I would like to share.
It’s a website where I can control the admin. Currently I’m using a localhost port because I’m too lazy to put it onto an actual hosting service. The website has the exact same features as Discord. So if Discord ever goes down, I have the website if I’m not in the game and vice versa. Here is the last feature.
Code execution from a website, basically the same thing as discord. If you want you can give me feedback. Thanks for reading and watching this entire thing. Oh and also I forgot to add! I have join logs and chat logs.
EDIT: The underscore bug has been fixed a week ago.