This module is a complete redesign of my previous module with more features
An advanced module with multiple features such as:
- Two color spaces (RGB and HSV)
- Three picker shapes (Circle, Square, Triangle)
- Interactive sliders for every value
- Transparency / Opacity Support
- Hex support
- Undo and redo buttons
All in a small and user friendly window that allows your players to pick colors with ease
Module is available on Roblox:
Code examples are included farther down the post
Constructor function
More information on parameters below
ColorPicker:SetColor(color: Color3)
Sets the color of the color picker
ColorPicker:GetColor(): Color3
Returns a Color3 value that is currently selected
ColorPicker:GetHSV(): number, number, number
Returns hue, saturation, value
Deletes the window
Changes the current picker mode and updates interface
Use the index ColorPicker.PICKER_MODE
e.g. ColorPicker.PICKER_MODE.Square
Changes the current color space and updates interface
Use the index ColorPicker.COLOR_SPACE
e.g. ColorPicker.COLOR_SPACE.RGB
Transparency must be enabled to use
Sets the transparency of the color picker (parameter must be between 0 and 1)
ColorPicker:GetTransparency(): number
Transparency must be enabled to use
Returns the transparency of the color picker
Records the current color, allowing the user to return using the undo and redo buttons
Automatically called from ColorPicker:SetColor()
Bindable Events
ColorPicker.ColorChanged → (color: Color3, transparency: number?)
Fires when color changes from user input
When transparency is enabled, a second parameter will be passed
Fires when the user closes the window
Code Examples
To begin, call the .new() constructor function
To customize the color picker, pass a table containing parameters into the constructor function.
local self ={
Parent = gui,
Position = UDim2.fromOffset(200,200),
ZIndex = 4,
PickerMode = ColorPicker.PICKER_MODE.SQUARE,
ColorSpace = ColorPicker.COLOR_SPACE.RGB
List of all parameters:
Name | Data Type | Default* |
Parent | ScreenGui | Creates new ScreenGui, deleted when window is closed |
Position | UDim2 | Mouse position |
ZIndex | number | 1 |
Scale | number | 1 |
PickerMode | - | ColorPicker.PICKER_MODE.Circle |
ColorSpace | - | ColorPicker.COLOR_SPACE.HSV |
EnableTransparency | boolean | false |
*Default value / functionality when not defined in parameter table or no parameters given
Two bindable events will be created, ColorChanged and WindowClosed
local self ={Parent = gui})
self.ColorChanged:Connect(function(color: Color3)
frame.BackgroundColor3 = color
print("Window closed by user")
Transparency / Opacity
To add transparency / opacity, set the EnableTransparency parameter to true
When transparency is enabled, a second parameter will be passed in ColorChanged
Additional methods:
ColorPicker:GetTransparency(): number
local self ={Parent = gui, EnableTransparency = true})
self.ColorChanged:Connect(function(color: Color3, t: number)
frame.BackgroundColor3 = color
frame.BackgroundTransparency = t
User Interface
- Change picker mode by clicking the three shapes to the right of the picker
- Toggle color space by clicking the button to the right of the color preview
- Individual values such as hue and saturation can be changed using the sliders, or by inputting a value to the right of the slider
- Click and hold undo / redo button to quickly repeat action
- Reposition window by dragging topbar
- Rescale window by dragging right side of window or in info panel (three dots in the top right)