Advanced Gun System Help

Hello! I am currently creating a Criminality-type game and want to create a gun system that works the same way the one in Crim works. I have little to no tool or weapon system knowledge so I need some help to create a similar design.

I’ll leave a semi-complete list of what I want so you can get the idea:


  • Equip Animation

  • Fire Animation

  • Reload Animation

  • Firerate Switch Animation


  • Equip Sound

  • Fire Sounds

  • Reload Sounds

  • Firerate Switch Sound

  • Out Of ammo Sound

– UI –

  • Crosshair

  • Gun UI (The following will be what I want inside the gun UI)

  • Current ammo in mag text

  • All of the guns ammo text

  • Firerate

  • Gun Name


  • Firerate switching (If the gun is compatible with more than 1 fire rate)

  • Hitmakers

  • Custom fire particles

I don’t want to steal any assets because I actually want to make a good crim-style game.
I also don’t want to use ACS or FE (unless that’s if criminality uses it as a template for there gun system)

Thanks For Reading :smiley:

Animations and sounds should be self-explanitory.

For the crosshair / hitmarker either position it on top of the mouse as a UI or change the actual cursor.

For the particles just use :Emit(). For the firerate you would first need to create 3 or 2 seperate modes then when you press F switch between each.

For the animations research ‘tool animations’ in which you can move the tool seperately as well.

Not too focused on those features at the moment, just working on getting a working gun system that’s not a crappy youtube one, and then I’ll focus on those features

Like I said, remove the LocalPlayer's mouse icon on tool Equipped and turn it back on via Unequipped.

Use RemoteEvents for basically everything.

Do more research on ‘tool animations’ specifically the ones where you can move the tool around as well.

Well then those are the main things to make it not look ‘crappy’. It is all about visual effects and handling most things client-sidedly and verifying those things server-sidedly.

Now start off making a ‘crappy’ gun system and work your way from there. That is how you make a good gun system, first make it functional then make it beautiful. Trust the process and just watch a youtube tutorial or use your brain.

Alright tysm, I’ll take that into account as I create my own system. Thanks :smiley:

Some things that can help you develop a robust gun system:

  • Use code from FE Gun Kit (Most games such as criminality borrow code from FE Gun kit as it is very robust, stable and fully open source.

  • Use springs to make a dynamic crosshair (Note: You can borrow the main code for the crosshair from FE Gun Kit (Crim Does This)

  • Make the system OOP for organization and ease of update purposes

  • Create a good movement system (Your gun system will only be as good as your movement system in some cases (One way to spice up movement is to modify the player module to add acceleration)

  • Use FE Gun Kit and modify it (If you are unable to make a good custom gun system its not a bad idea to use FE gun kit and customize it as even criminality used FE Gun Kit in the beginning.


This is eye-opening, and I’m thankful you gave me this knowledge. Tysm I’ll use this information from now on

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